Browse a list of C-THAN's ongoing projects, sorted by concentration area. C-THAN has supported 44 pilot projects, representing 58 separate awards to research institutions and businesses domestically and in Africa.
- Domestic research universities: 27
- Domestic businesses: 6
- Africa research universities: 21
- African businesses: 4
- Conjoint Analysis for Point-of-Care (POC) HIV Viral Load Test – NU (Y6)
- HIV Infant Diagnosis by LAMP – NU (Y6)
- Portable magneto fluidic PCR for HIV viral load testing in minutes – Prompt Diagnostics (Y5S)
- Point-of-care HIV virologic failure test platform with multi-target Chain-LAMP for detection of diverse HIV subtypes from a fingerstick sample – U Wash (Y5S)
- HIV VL Biobank – NU (Y5S)
- 1 Minute HIV Syphilis Test – Palladium (Y4 and Y5)
- HIV Multidrug Resistance Assay – Lagos (Y5)
- HIV DNA/RNA RT-LAMP detection – U of Ibadan, Nigeria (Y4)
- Rapid Test for HIV, HBV & HCV -- Genlantis (Y4)
- POC HIV Viral Load Assay – URochester (Y3)
- Simple reaction detection of HIV-1 resistance in resource limited settings – Discidium Biosciences (Y2)
- Develop HIV VL test for M2Dx FastPCR platform – NU (Y2)
- Acute HIV Detection Assays with Isothermal Amplification and Strand Displacement Visualization -- NU (Y1)
- Fluorescent p24 Ag assay to increase sensitivity of early infant diagnosis of HIV – NU/UCT (Y1)
Viral Hepatitis (HBV & HCV)
- Novel POC diagnostic for HBV -- UNR (Y4)
- POC Hepatitis C testing at Antenatal Care Clinics in Nigeria – JUTH (Y6)
- Lateral flow immunoassay for rapid detection of hepatitis B core related antigen (HBcrAg) to aid in management of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) infection – UNR (Y6)
- An Enzyme Self-Amplification System for Ultrasensitive Detection of Hepatitis C Core Antigen at the Point of Care – NU (Y5)
- Diagnostics for viral hepatitis – NU and Jos (Y4)
- Lateral flow immunoassay for rapid detection of Hepatitis B core related antigen (HBcrAg) to aid in management of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) infection – UNR (Y2)
- Development of HCV core antigen test to detect active hepatitis C infection - NU (Y1)
Cervical & Liver Cancer
- Repetitive element and gene methylation biomarker for cervical cancer – NU/USTTB (Y6)
- Needs Assessment for Cervical Cancer Screening – NU (Y6)
- Developing a AI based Algorithm for Cervical Cancer Screening among Women Living with HIV/AIDS at POC in LMIC – MUHAS (Y5)
- Development of Fluorescent-Based Rapid Tests for the Multiplexed Screening of Liver Cancer Biomarkers in Human Plasma – Mayo (Y5)
- Self-Sampling and PCR-Based Cervical Cancer Screening System in Women Living with HIV – NU and Jos (Y4)
- HPV in MSM using GeneXpert – USTTB (Y3)
- Automated TB Smear Microscopy Platform to Triage and Treat TB in HIV-infected individuals in Mali – NU/USTTB (Y6)
- Tuberculosis diagnosis by using oral swabs with GeneXpert Ultra MTB/RIF – Uwash/SU (Y5)
- Improving disease diagnosis in HIV-endemic settings without added patient burden (CREDO, CartRidge Extractor for DiagnOsis) – SU (Y5)
- TB Diagnostics/HIV Patients – U Utah/WALIMU/UCSF (Y4)
- A whole blood TB/HIV LF assay – Lateral Flow Labs, Cape Town SA (Y3)
- Automated Smartphone Microscope for Tuberculosis Sputum Smear – NU/USTTB (Y3)
- Sinapi Sputum Collection Cup – Sinapi Biomedical/SU/USTTB/Wits (Y3)
- A simple, near point-of-care device to salvage DNA from used Xpert MTB/RIF cartridges for accurate downstream TB drug susceptibility testing: the SAlvaged Xpert study (SAX-TB) – SU and USTTB (Y2)
- Oral swab diagnosis of HIV-TB – U Wash (Y2)
- Smartphone-based measurement of TST induration for latent TB screening - UCT (Y1)
- Determining the feasibility of the New Multiplex MTB/NTM Assay in Children with Suspected-TB, using Stool Specimens – NU/USTTB (Y1)
- Optimization of sputum collection cup for in GeneXpert – Sinapi Biomedical (Y1)
Cross-Cutting & Emerging Infectious Diseases
- Optimized Sample Transportation to support POC deployment Information Sharing and Motorcycle Routing in Diagnostic Networks – Riders for Health, Llongwe, Malawi (Y2)_
- Point-of-Care Creatinine Monitoring – GA Tech (Y6)
- Patterned Blood Spot Cards – Tufts (Y2)